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Real Estate Market in Maynardville (Union Co)


Are you thinking about buying or selling in the Maynardville area? Give me a call and I will be glad to help you. It is diffently still a sellers market. So having an agent to help you nevigate the local market is very important.

Currently there is only 17 active listings in Maynardville, priced from $179,900-$1,600,000. Only 4 under $300K.

In April 2023 there were 12 homes that closed priced $148,400 - 390,000. Below see a graft with the average market times:

If you would like to know what the market value is for your property or if you are searching for a new home/property, feel free to call me anytime. My direct cell is 865-256-3805

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Tammie Hill - Realty Executives Associates - 3232 Tazewell Pk, Knoxville, TN - (865) 688-3232

Direct 865-256-3805

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